A (One-Sided) Reminder from a (Politically Correct) Organization

Several days ago, we received a message from a nonprofit organization associated with a State government — stating something to the effect that: “Our democracy is sacred, resting upon the rule of law, emanating from the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Among various rights, the First Amendment states that Congress shall not infringe on the right of free speech or for ‘we, the people’ to assemble peaceably.

“The mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol on January 6th, claiming the 2020 presidential election was stolen, was not a peaceful assembly. As members of …, we join other numerous voices in condemning this violence, which is clearly ‘an attack on democracy and society — propagated by deliberate deception and misinformation.’

“Today, as never before, we must stand together as Americans, not as members of any one political party, and strive for trust in and respect for one another, our Constitution, and the democratic process it embraces.”

Whoa! Clearly, there is an “other side” to this story, and there likely are more individuals in agreement with this other side than this message’s side. To refute this organization’s message, we conclude that the fraud and corruption of the Nov 3 election (which included at least 10 to 20 million illegal ballots for Biden in six battleground States) was a clear attack on our democracy. In fact, it represents a successful coup d’etat — perpetrated not only by China and other foreign nations, but also by George Soros money and specific individuals within our government agencies such as the CIA, FBI, HSA and DOJ. This was a flagrant act of insurrection, which is a felony, and all guilty participants should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

And what about the Antifa- and BLM-organized “mostly peaceful” riots, burning and destruction (of mostly small business owned by minorities, but also federal buildings) in many cities since last June — including Portland OR for more than 220 days now and still counting? It’s been reported that hundreds of those arrested had their bails paid immediately by the staffs of Biden and also Kamala Harris, so that they could return to the streets the next night. These are also acts of insurrection and felonies; all guilty participants should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

—Contributed by Brit Speares, your Oregon Correspondent


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