Opinion: A Tale Of Two “Insurrections” : Viking Horns, Power Dynamics, And Other Such Things.

Bill Wehr
By Bill Wehr

Washington D.C. “insurrection” on January 6, 2021 remembered

When recently speaking before the U.S. Senate, Marco Rubio (R-Fl) said “I don’t care how many candlelight vigils and musical performances you have from the cast of Hamilton, you’re not going to convince most normal and sane people that our gov’t last year was almost overthrown by a guy wearing a Viking hat and Speedos.”

But four Clackamas County Commissioners saw the January 6, 2021 ( 1/6 ) disorderly demonstration at our Nation’s Capital last year as an “insurrection.” That day on January 6th saw a large number of people breach the Capital building, after protesting what they felt was a stolen Presidential election.

Commissioner Martha Schrader , during Commissioner comments at the end of the first Commission meeting on January 6, 2022, gave a lengthy and heartfelt soliloquy on her sorrow at seeing the “ frightening, not peaceful insurrection” and her hope for our nation to heal its political divide. She felt that 1/6 was a breakdown of civil society, harmful to our “fragile democracy,“ She believes it will go down in history.”

Drifting to the related subject of stolen votes, she confirmed her belief in the integrity of our country’s voting system. As proof, she cited the anecdote of having friends who are volunteers in the voting system who attest to the legitimacy of the votes. She completely omitted the fact that several swing states, where then President Trump was winning handily, all stopped counting at the same time election night,flipping to a solid Biden victory. It was as if her ludicrous analogy would erase all doubt of voter fraud.

Commission Chair Tootie Smith complimented Schrader by saying “ your comments very well taken.” Merriam-Webster dictionary defines that phrase as well-grounded, justifiable your point is well-taken.

Commissioner Sonya Fischer, channeling Vice President Kamala Harris, claimed she was shocked at the events of 1/6, it being a “frightening time.” She compared that day at the Capital as like September 11, 2001, where terrorists hijacked planes and crashed into the New York Twin Towers and the Pentagon, murdering several thousand people. Chair Smith commented, “very well said.”

Commissioner Paul Savas, after giving a rundown of his extreme health issues at the time, wrestled with what he called the “insurrection aftermath.” Commissioner Mark Shull was not in attendance that night.

This depiction of last year’s throng of people at the Capital as terrorists has been flogged by the democrats to divert attention from their own mounting failures such as the economy, border security and national violence. By keeping the drum beat of “insurrection,” they hope to brand 1/6 a day of infamy to prevent projected losses at the coming national elections, and to stop the candidacy of former President Trump.

The January 14th “insurrection” by Clackamas County bureaucrats remembered

But days after that D.C “insurrection” on January 14, 2021 Clackamas County had its own “insurrection.” On that day, the BCC voted to censure fellow Commissioner Mark Shull over some mean Facebook posts he had before he took office. His posts were taken down before he was sworn into office. Aside from a lack of due process, there was intense pressure for him to resign, not only by other Commissioners, but most all of the County Department heads and a full cast of other local county commissioners and municipal heads. If he stepped down, it would have been a successful overthrow from the will of the majority of voters.

A letter signed by 22 of the County department heads to the Commissioners dated January 13, 2021 stated “In all the power dynamics of the employees here in the County, those of us at the top of that structure have the most responsibility to raise our voice.” When one goes to the County website that gives job descriptions of all its employees, no position has “power dynamics” as a function of taxpayer paid functionaries.

Immediately after the Commission censure, on the same day, County Administrator Schmidt emotionally spoke on video addressing all County employees. He praised the department heads, saying he was proud. He applauded the Commission for standing up in doing the right thing. Before the censure, he wrote the Commission to “help to set the tone for our employees and the public.”

He got it. What followed were no Viking horned bedecked pates, but BLM attire became Clackamas chic, and BLM posters were on display in County offices. “Getting rid of one white supremacist at a time- your life depends on it” was part of the logo on a Housing Department letterhead. Gender sensitive pronouns (he/him/his, she/her/hers) defined name and title on correspondence.

During years 2020- 2021, we experienced an unprecedented stressful time with Covid lock-down mandates, riots, destruction and 2 natural disasters. The cost in financial and emotional hardship is yet to be fully measured. Two resolutions to protect the Constitutional rights of Clackamas citizens from the political excesses of the Governor’s office were tabled by the Commission without a vote last year.

Now we are starting 2022, and already the Governor is prolonging her mandate authority until June of this year that includes “permanent mask requirements.” Out of control inflation and supply chain shortages already now are national crises are being felt locally.

Mistaking Woke for being competent , the BCC and its bureaucracy on Jan 14th chose to attempt an apparent coup, instead of placing solutions that improve taxpayer’s quality of life at the top of priorities. That day of January 14th exposed how “power dynamics” works to ensure the continuation of the governing system as its own self-serving habitat, dedicated to nourishing its own interests. This system is willing to attempt to negate a popular election when it feels threatened.

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