Opinion: A Turbulent Year of Preventable Disasters

Gordon J. Fulks, PhD (Physics) NW Connection
Gang of Three: Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley and Oregon Governor Kate Brown
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler
Governor Kate Brown

Much of what happened to America in 2020 and will likely repeat in some form in 2021 was not just bad luck; it was self-inflicted harm. And until we join together to halt the abject stupidity that has allowed endless political nonsense, disease, race rioting, economic hardship, influence peddling, censorship, and election fraud to flourish, we will continue to experience more of the same. Those who have learned how to sow and benefit from discord and chaos will continue to do so, until we put a stop to it.

It is our responsibility to preserve the republic, not the responsibility of anyone else. Problems will always arise. How we deal with them determines whether the damage is major or minor. And it ultimately determines, as President Lincoln said at Gettysburg, “that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

To understand the essence of what occurred in 2020, we need only note that the junior Senator from Oregon, Jeff Merkley, not content with solving existing problems that became critical in 2020, is already peddling the ‘next crisis’ that he hopes will finally boil over in 2021: Climate Change.

Although the Earth did not experience any climate crisis in 2020, as many had predicted, Merkely is determined to keep the chaos going by hawking perfectly normal weather extremes as existential threats. He wants the United States to declare a “Climate Emergency” and impose draconian controls on our freedoms, in addition to those already imposed by other crises. This has everything to do with control and nothing to do with the science. Merkely is not only ignorant of the science, he is determined to remain ignorant. Ignorance is convenient for all who claim the authority of science, while vastly undermining it.

Merkley is cunning enough to realize that 88% of the Oregon Democrat Party believe that they will be adversely impacted by human emissions of carbon dioxide, indicating a profound ignorance of the minor role that it plays in our climate, and the major beneficial role that it plays in life on Earth. Republicans are far less apt to believe the climate nonsense, indicating a far superior scientific understanding.

However, with Democrats in a super majority, Oregon faces the possibility of great self-inflicted harm from zealots who have no idea what they are doing. They want carbon taxes, renewable energy, and the elimination of fossil fuels, all to ‘solve’ a problem that does not exist. They have no understanding that Oregon is too small a player to make any dent in human emissions, with China building hundreds of new coal-fired power plants at home and abroad. And Democrats do not want to hear about recent research that says Mother Nature is in firm control of atmospheric CO2 anyway.

Some of the working men and women who would have been especially harmed by a Carbon Tax participated in the Timber Unity protests at the State Capitol in February. That prevented one out of many disasters that Democrats intended to inflict upon us in 2020.

The Wuhan Flu, as the Chinese call COVID-19, dominated our news for 2020, with millions dying around the world. Was this merely an Act of God or largely a self-inflicted problem? Clearly, the virus got away from the Chinese Communist Party. They made great efforts to conceal its origin, spread, and lethality, until they could no longer do so. That makes them culpable, if not completely responsible for the start and spread of the pandemic.

Meanwhile, Democrats were so busy trying to impeach President Trump that they missed the urgent need to prepare for a pandemic that was already sweeping silently across the USA in January. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio helped the spread by encouraging everyone to celebrate the Chinese New Year in Chinatown. Now he will jail any who attempt such close contact with others.   New York Governor Andrew Cuomo sent new COVID cases into his state’s nursing homes, despite evidence that the virus was highly contagious and deadly for the elderly. Thousands died. Many Democrats blasted President Trump as racist for halting flights from China, when it was obvious that China was quarantining its own people while permitting them to travel abroad to infect the rest of the world.

President Trump did exactly the right thing by initially asking everyone to quarantine for two weeks to see if the spread could be contained and to prepare for the inevitable strain on our healthcare system. When the virus proved that it could not be contained, he reluctantly moved to re-open the country to avoid enormous economic damage. That too proved difficult, because people were now frightened; his medical advisers were still counseling quarantine; and Democrats, along with their media allies, were piling on more criticism in an election year, whatever the President did.

They even created a circus when the President touted one of several coronavirus therapies, (involving hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, and zinc) that reduced fatalities by 50% in several studies. How many died needlessly? The constant rush to hurt President Trump resulted in much self-inflicted harm by Democrats on Democrats and on everyone else. It was bizarre.

Even when it became obvious that people under 60 years of age were unlikely to contract a serious case of COVID, teachers were adamant that they would not return to classrooms until it was “completely safe.” Never mind that children were not getting the education they needed while forced to stay home, teachers were and still are thinking primarily of themselves. The teacher’s union, that is one of the pillars of the Democrat Party, is willing to inflict substantial harm on the children entrusted to them. The obvious solution of requiring teachers to return to their classrooms was not implemented, making all the resulting damage self-inflicted.

While President Trump repeatedly altered his strategy as he learned more about the virus, Democrat Governors and Mayors doubled down on the lock-downs that were not working. That compounded economic and social problems, leading to spikes in business failures, suicides, and drug overdoses. These disasters were largely preventable.

With frustrations running high during the Spring lock-downs, Democrats found it easy to stir up racial animosities when white on black law enforcement incidents occurred. Despite strong evidence that these were drug related and no evidence that they were racially motivated, Democrats immediately encouraged race rioting and vast property damage as somehow justified retribution for slavery. Yet, no one alive today was ever a slave or a slave owner. And today’s Democrats are not the same Democrats who ran the Ku Klux Klan a century ago.

Openly Marxist organizations like Black Lives Matter and Antifa raised huge sums of money from corporate America to destroy large swaths of our inner cities in their quest for a new Bolshevik Revolution. Identity politics in the form of ‘Critical Race Theory’ is promoted as a replacement for the aging ‘Class Warfare’ favored by Karl Marx. If Democrats had wanted to stop the rioting, all they needed to do was allow law enforcement to do its job. Billions of dollars in damage would have been averted and many would not have died, including black police officers. Competent leadership was missing at a critical time. Should we blame hopelessly incompetent Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler and hopelessly ideological Oregon Governor Kate Brown? For sure. But remember that those who elected them are ultimately responsible for the mayhem. This was self-inflicted harm.

The final act in the death and destruction of 2020 was the Presidential Election, where once again militant Democrats were determined to stop at nothing to prevent President Donald Trump from winning a second term. That involved many instances of election fraud in closely contested states like Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. From many sworn affidavits provided by those who witnessed the cheating, to vast vote dumps for Joe Biden reported out in the middle of the night, to statistical analyses from renown statisticians whom I know, the evidence of wrongdoing is overwhelming.

Will we, as the premier democracy in the world, allow an election to be stolen and other mayhem to continue? If so, we are as complicit in the 2020 destruction of America as everyone else.

Gordon J. Fulks lives in Corbett and can be reached at gordonfulks@hotmail.com. He holds a doctorate in physics from the University of Chicago’s Laboratory for Astrophysics and Space Research.


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