Most Illegitimate “President” in U.S. History? Part Two

This article does not favor one candidate over another; rather, this article favors a return to the U.S. Constitution — assuring that all Americans have the right to fair elections [ i.e., only one vote from each legal (living) voter. Period ].

In my May 4 Northwest Connection editorial, I described how the November 2020 presidential election is probably the most corrupt and fraudulent in U.S. history. It is highly plausible that — if only legal ballots were counted in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin and New Hampshire — this would’ve given Trump a 298-240 Electoral College (EC) victory.

If the same were done in Arizona and Nevada, the result would be an even more convincing EC victory for Trump, 315-223. It was in these seven States where a lot of hanky-panky was going on — between the times “a vote was cast” and when the “official” ballot was recorded.

For Pennsylvania [1] and Michigan [2], recent voter audits by nonpartisan mathematicians determined that Trump had won both States by substantial margins of 370,000 and 150,000, respectively. Will those other five States ever be analyzed with the same nonpartisan integrity? Only time will tell.

A “complete election analysis” includes: [a] voter audit, [b] machine audit, and [c] process audit. For [a], this means “were all ballots legal, i.e., only from U.S citizens living in that State, voting only one time, and qualified and registered to vote?” For [b], “did each voting machine — used in each district — accurately record the intentions of each legal voter?” For [c], “between the time the vote was cast and the time that the vote was ‘officially registered’ — was each valid ballot honestly recorded?”

In all presidential elections since George Washington, a complete audit [i.e., a, b and c above] has never occurred in all States of the Union, nor have all three segments of an audit ever been carried out — even for one State. The recent analyses of Pennsylvania [1] and Michigan [2], described above, represent only [a] voter audits.

Let’s focus on Nevada, which has only six EC votes. To provide an example of the unbelievable amount of fraud, what follows is a synopsis of Attorney Jesse Binnall’s 16 Dec 2020 report [3] to the U.S. Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (just six weeks after the presidential election).

On 3 Aug 2020, Nevada legislators hurriedly made devious changes to the State’s election laws by adopting Bill AB 4; this provided for universal voting-by-mail without sufficient safeguards to authenticate voters (or ensure the fundamental requirement that only one ballot be recorded for each legally qualified voter).

Because of AB 4, the number of mail-in ballots exploded from ~70,000 in 2016 to more than 690,000 in 2020. From the nonpartisan data scientists, this is what Binnall’s voter audit found:

  • Over 42,000 people voted more than once.
  • At least 1,500 dead people were recorded as voting.
  • More than 19,000 voters did not live in Nevada.
  • About 8,000 people voted from non-existent addresses.
  • Over 15,000 votes were cast from commercial or vacant addresses.
  • Almost 4,000 non-citizens also voted.

All in all, the nonpartisan inspection identified over 130,000 unique instances of voter fraud in Nevada — but the actual number is almost certainly higher. Two Clark County technical employees independently reported they saw “the number of votes recorded by voting machines and stored on USB drives” changed between the times the polls mysteriously shut down at night and when they reopened the next morning. In other words, votes were literally appearing and disappearing in the dead of night. Lastly, some persons were encouraged to vote by receiving rewards (e.g., raffle tickets, gift cards, televisions, etc.).

Incredibly, these 130,000+ people have been identified and their true addresses are known. Will any of them ever be brought to justice for election fraud? Heck, no. (By the way, Biden’s “margin of victory” in Nevada was 33,596; this report means that Trump’s margin of victory was actually more than 96,400.)

This scenario only summarizes Nevada; if you wish to read many other horror stories, check out ref. [4]. Will truthful voter audits ever be carried out in the other four suspect States? Not if the all-powerful Deep State can prevent that from happening. Clearly, the most successful-ever, bloodless coup d’état in a Western civilized democratic republic — occurred on November 3-4, 2020.

In grade school each morning, I remember standing together, “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands — one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” Have we irreversibly changed now to two tiers of “justice”? Are we now no better than any other banana republic?





[4]  [this URL, and all documents listed within, provides the most comprehensive of all analyses of the 2020 election, to date]



—Brit Speares, your Washington DC Inside-the-Beltway Correspondent


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Comments to: Most Illegitimate “President” in U.S. History? Part Two
  • May 16, 2021

    God sees what went on and those people will be brought to justice. Those who dig a pit for someone will fall in that pit!!!


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