Opinion: Most Illegitimate “President” in U.S. History?

On the evening of November 3rd 2020, most of us went to bed, concluding that, for better or worse, President Trump had been re-elected. Florida and Ohio not only had Trump leading, but amazingly he was leading by double-digits in both States; during the past 70+ years — whichever political party had this level of popularity in Florida and Ohio — always ended up winning the Electoral College (EC).

Then, for anyone who stayed up long after midnight, something unprecedented happened in the wee hours of the 4th. The voting machines and tallying of ballots — in the States of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — simultaneously shut down for several hours. When ballot-counting resumed in these six States, the numbers for Biden leaped upwards by tens or hundreds of thousands each minute, unmatched by few or no votes for Trump; in fact, Trump ballot totals sometimes even decreased. Some voting districts had more Biden votes than registered voters. None of this was seen in the other 44 States.

The alleged EC final count was “Biden 306, Trump 232”; the purported popular vote was Biden 80 million, Trump 78 million.” [Biden 80 million? Are you serious? In 2012 and 2016, Obama and Hillary each received less than 66 million.] Allegations of the 2020 popular vote were Trump 79 million, and Biden 68 million, i.e., curiously, comparing “before the voting-machine shutdown” to “the final tally,” Trump had lost about 1 million votes while Biden had gained ~12 million.

The computer programs were believed to have been “set” to add sufficient numbers of Biden ballots to ensure victories of at least one, or several, thousand in each of these six States; the alleged reason as to why the voting machines had shut down for several hours — was that the quantity of Trump ballots had been strikingly underestimated, requiring the programs to be “readjusted” to take care of this unexpected surge.

Within a few weeks after the election, teams of nonpartisan mathematical statisticians had reported that, given what was known by the time of the mysterious shutdown, “the chances that Biden won the 2020 election were extraordinarily unlikely. [This mathematical FACT is unquivocally true — despite dozens of left-wing articles in Mainstream Media and on the web and in social media, spinning fake news.]

More recently [1], in-depth nonpartisan analyses of Pennsylvania [2] and Michigan [3] have been reported; their conclusions are that Trump should have won those States by 370,000 and 150,000 votes, respectively. In time, in-depth forensic voter audits will be completed in Arizona and New Hampshire — with Trump expected to win both those States. Democrats have sued to block audits in Arizona and other States, but why would they do this, if they were so confident of Biden’s victory?

Pennsylvania has 20 EC votes and Michigan 16. Those two States going for Trump would change the EC vote to Biden 270, Trump 268. Georgia has 16 EC votes, Wisconsin 10, and New Hampshire 4. These three States going for Trump would provide a 298-240 EC victory for Trump. Including EC votes for Arizona = 11 and Nevada = 6, this would result in an even greater victory for Trump, 315 to 223.

Senator McConnell, Vice President Pence, and U.S. Attorney General William Barr all concluded that there was insufficient evidence of fraud to change the results that Biden had won the election (although no one looked for any evidence of fraud). Any of these three could have demanded a bipartisan election analysis, before declaring a winner — even if this meant delaying the Inauguration by several months. The Supreme Court refused to consider many lawsuits on this topic, citing spurious excuses such as “the election is over” and “there is insufficient time to investigate corruption.”

Perhaps the powerful Deep State within the federal government is too intimidating to anyone who is not a member? Does this mean we’ll have an illegitimate Executive Branch at least until January 2024? Will these voting machines continue to help the Democratic Party to win all future elections? Just this week, FBI agents raided Giuliani’s apartment to confiscate all documents related to the Trump presidency; this is unconstitutional. Even more recently, there are suggestions of tampering in the 2020 census, in order to provide some Blue States with more representatives in the House of Representatives than factually determined. Has integrity in the U.S. political system been forever lost? Will we ever again see a two-party equity-in-Justice system again?


[1] https://www.scribd.com/document/504352231/Election-Integrity-Recommendations-Report [this URL, and all documents listed within, provide the most comprehensive of all analyses of the 2020 election, to date]

[2] https://www.scribd.com/document/487657522/Pennsylvania-2020-Voter-Analysis-Report

[3] https://www.scribd.com/document/487615684/Michigan-2020-Voter-Analysis-Report

—Brit Speares, your Washington DC Inside-the Beltway Correspondent


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Comments to: Opinion: Most Illegitimate “President” in U.S. History?
  • May 5, 2021

    How could a man getting 12 people at rallies beat a man with 30,000???
    Common man????


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