Opinion: Term Limits for County Administrators

Bill Wehr
By Bill Wehr

How about contract term limits for the unelected position of County Administrator? Clackamas County Commissioners are in office by popular vote. Later, there is an option of recall of a Commissioner by the citizens. But the Administrator is unelected, and may influence public policy over time, at taxpayer expense, simply by outlasting everyone. A committed hyper political County Administrator has great influence over the Commissioners. The Administrator is responsible for overseeing the annual budget and for the efficiency of County time used for public service. The Administrator is responsible for ongoing personnel matters such hiring, firing and promoting. This impacts the quality and attitude of personnel. It also directs taxpayer monies to, at times, subjective allocation of funding priorities.

The citizens rely on the Commission to renew the Administrator”s performance of the prior year. But, if the majority of the Commission is politically in agreement with a politically motivated Administrator, or afraid of the power of staff backlash , there can be no honest representation of the citizens who voted the Commissioners in office to represent them.

Citizens have their own opinions on the size of government. Many believe in limited, and non intrusive government. Others a more activist involvement, with a local government growing to meet increasing demands for services.

Term limits for County Administrator would allow for periodic rightsizing, and a more balanced execution of time and resources. Contract term limits would lessen the risk of special interests given a disproportionate amount of taxpayer money. It would give the citizens more transparency and accountability for the taxes they pay.
A suggested limited term contract for Administrators could be a 5 year closed end. There would be an agreed upon exit package negotiated up front. There would be annual reviews with potential salary increases. Upon the nearing of the termination of the contract a search for a new Administrator would be advertised. The Administrator would be able to re- apply along with competitors for the position.

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