Opinion: Thoughts on Oregon’s Ballot Measures…Senator Dennis Linthicum

Senator Dennis Linthicum

This November’s General Election has a batch of proposed measures which are included on your statewide Ballot.

Ballot Measures, 111, 112, 113, and 114 are presented in the Voters’ Pamphlet without any critical analysis. The information provided is like a restaurant menus written by various maître d’s in a vain effort to tease people into the shop. Everything presented sounds like a home-baked delectable but is really a coagulated mess of costly ingredients that will be difficult to chew and harder to swallow. Not to mention the long-term digestive ailments that will plague the citizens for decades.

Today, I will provide just a quick summary of these gastronomic dishes.

For example, Measure 111, is just a bad idea that has been dressed in garnish on a silver platter. But it is only socialist tripe. Then, Measure 112, looks attractive in the dim light of history, but will have disastrous impacts on Oregon’s Criminal Justice Budgets and will eventually be a backdoor into “defunding the police.”
Measure 113 is simply an attempt to mask majority rule by over-powering the voices of the minority. It will force the minority party legislators into compliance and deny rights to engage in civil disobedience. 

Lastly, Measure 114, is an unconscionable measure that will negatively warp or destroy the lives of anyone seeking avenues for self-defense. Most especially, women, racial and ethnic minorities will get caught-up in the dragnet as their rights to self-defense gets obstructed by an ungodly menagerie of expensive rules and unattainable law-enforcement requirements. The Oregon State Sheriffs’ Association (OSSA) estimates that Measure 114 will cost nearly $40M annually to implement. This measure is masquerading as a crime prevention measure but instead it will effectively “defund the police.”

Please, don’t be snookered by grandiose schemes for having government solve your neighbor’s condition. Government can’t do it because, when we force state-wide power into every crevasse of an individual’s life, you will introduce more absurdities that will require more government power, more taxpayer money, and more new-fangled solutions that will never fix the original problem.

Therefore, be comfortable and rest assured knowing that your, “NO Vote,” along with some common-sense will help put a stop to the tyranny which oozes from every pore of an unaccountable bureaucratic state.

Over the next several days I will provide a more in-depth analysis of each Measure, starting with a full-fledged analysis of the disastrous wording in Measure 111.

If we don’t stand for rural Oregon Values and common-sense… No one will!


Dennis Linthicum
Oregon State Senate – District 28

Email: sen.DennisLinthicum@oregonlegislature.gov
Website: http://www.oregonlegislature.gov/linthicu

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