Shocking Details Emerge About University’s Fetal Tissue Harvesting

Lord, we ask You to end this sickening practice. Help us as a nation to realize how horrific this is. We ask for accountability, and we ask You to have mercy on us. End abortion in America, Lord God.

It was reported earlier this year that the University of Pittsburgh used…grants from Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), to run barbaric experiments splicing lab rats with organs harvested from aborted children. In response, pro-life activists and elected officials have called for…investigations into the university, the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, NIAID, and the local Planned Parenthood…

…[A] panel hosted in Pittsburgh…featured several of these pro-life activists and former Pennsylvania elected officials. They discussed the shocking details that have emerged over the last several months…

The first panelist to speak was Center for Medical Progress founder David Daleiden…

Daleiden explained how, in grant applications to receive NIH funding, the University of Pittsburgh essentially advertised their facilities as the best location for the GUDMAP aborted fetal kidney harvesting program. Pitt described how aborted babies are still alive at the time their kidneys are cut out…

“When they say they ‘track and record the warm ischemia time,’ that means they know the time at which fetuses lose their circulation and lose their blood supply,” Daleiden said…“They specifically say…labor induction abortion where…the mom pushes out a baby at 24 weeks.”

[T]hat they know how to keep the time of blood loss in the kidneys to a minimum and that they perform induced-labor abortion – show these are “clear…cases of partial-birth abortion or…straight-up infanticide,” Daleiden said.

Daleiden also explained how the fetal experimentation programs may have violated Pennslyvania state law and federal partial-birth abortion law…

Retired Pennsylvania Superior Court Judge Cheryl Allen spoke on Planned Parenthood’s history of…targeting of black people under the “guise of wanting to help poor, black women,” and Pitt’s racial quota for the babies used in their experiments.

Pitt’s grant application stated its fetal harvesting program would choose “individuals on the basis of sex/gender, race, and ethnicity,” setting quotas of 50 percent white patients and aborted fetuses, and 50 percent minority patients and fetuses, with 25 percent of those minority fetuses to come from black women…

Daleiden skewered Fauci’s response as “outrageous”…First, intact scalps used…are only obtainable at the size shown through a partial-birth abortion. “Intact heads” would not be obtainable through “dismemberment abortion where the skull is going to be crushed,” Daleiden explained.

Second, in terms of what oversight is being done, it was recently reported that the vice chair of the University of Pittsburgh’s Institutional Review Board, Dr. Beatrice Chen, is also the medical director of Planned Parenthood Western Pennsylvania and oversees Planned Parenthood’s abortion training fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh.

“Dr. Chen is a supervising participant in every single field citation study that is approved at the University of Pittsburgh, so she’s the one supposed to be in charge of making sure that the abortion doctors are not doing partial-birth abortions, are not delivering infants alive, that they are taking them to the NICU to get medical care … ,” Daleiden said….

(Excerpt from The Federalist. Article by Madeline Osburn. Photo Credit: Getty Images). Reprinted by permission

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