Opinion: The Strength Of America

What is it that makes America strong? Is it our vast land, our democratic way of governing, or could it be our entrepreneurial spirit? My wager is on the latter.

While it is true that we’ve been blessed with rich real estate, it is the individual that must cultivate the land. And it’s also true that we need a strong government to provide a positive structure and to keep our communities safe. But I firmly believe it is our personal responsibility to develop our God-given inherited skills and talents so we can be productive citizens.

Take the hard-working farmer for example. He plants, cultivates, and harvests his crops in due season, with the anticipation his product will enhance his community. He provides jobs for his neighbors, ensures quality food at an affordable cost to his customers, and in turn is able to provide for his family.

In one form or another we are all interconnected and what we do each day affects others.

This same analogy is true in commerce. In supporting each others businesses within our community, we are distributing the wealth within our state, which in turn provides community stability. When the basic needs of our families are met, we are able to be more creative, implement visionary thinking and build more enterprise. It is the “ideal” that builds and strengthens American.

When unified as a nation our strength enlarges as well as our communities.

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